


  相关例句:1、But whatever you resolve to do, I want you to commit to it.  但无论你决定做什么,我希望你下决心去做。

  2、Nobody knows who or what drove him on to commit that folly.  没有人知道上谁或什么事驱使他去干那件蠢事的。

  3、Hence it should be noted that, in conquering a state, its conqueror should weigh all the injurious things he must do and commit them all at once, so as not to have to repeat them every day.  因此,应该指出,在征服一个国家的过程中,它的征服者应该把所有他必须做的对臣民有害的事情都集中在一起然后一劳永逸的把它们都做了,以免不得不每日再重复它们。